Koln (Cologne, Germany)


Sunday, May 21, 2017

One of my former church choir directors, Steven Handrigan, told us about this fabulous Cathdral in Cologne, Germany after he took his students from the St. Mikes Choir School to sing there.  You could tell it was a church that really impressed him by the gleam in his eyes every time he talked about it.  So I decided it would have to be on my bucket list.  So off I went with Maria and Falitza.

Here is some of what we saw.


It was enormously tall and black.  A stark contrast from the Duomo in Milan that was also very intricate, but pristine white.

The stain glass windows inside were most colourful and bold depicting pictures of Mary, Christ and the apostles.  They were quite beautiful.

Street painters.

And a homeless duck… with a pint of German beer of course!


Tubingen (Chocolate Market)

Friday, Dec 2


It’s Friday. Convinced Bobo that he needed to have a colon hydrotherapy session today given that he only goes to the bathroom once every 4 days and plugs up the toilet. I told Pamela, the lovely therapist from London to watch out, he may break the machine!



Yesterday I had my colon washed out. My brain and eyes received an 8 minute photon treatment which I am getting every day. I think my eyesight is getting clearer. Four injections in the butt yesterday, one today plus two in the neck. Now that really hurts but if it prevents me from having neck radiation treatment at home, I will do it.



Last night Bobo and I went to a Spanish tapas place called Monte Christo which I heard rave reviews about from two of the locals. We had a assortment of cold and hot food platter. Too much food! Wasn’t too crazy with the meat dishes (lamb and ox tail…blah!). Dessert was nice…almond cake and Vanilla Brûlée.


We are going to attempt to go to Tublingen soon because they have a four day special chocolate market with vendors from all over the world. Thought Bobo, my chocolate affectionato would enjoy it.

Nuts!  The damn rental GPS took us for a ride….a very long one.  Through mountain back streets and a closed road.  What should have taken us 1 1/5 hours ended taking us over 3 hours.  We saw fog, rain, cows and sheep!

Finally got to Tubingen!  What a treat!

Stunning chocolate art!

This one looks like a chocolate turd!  Line up galore…price for one?  $8!




And samples, samples everywhere!  Gotta go to bed now cause I have to get to the clinic by 8:30 a.m.  Taking Bobo somewhere special tomorrow for his birthday which was on the 28th.

Looks Like I May Not Need to Fry My Neck After All


My test results are in and it looks like I’m not going to have to fry my neck after all.


I told Dr Sommer my radiologist wanted to do 2 high dose treatments on my neck and showed him my test results.  He read the report and said they do not know what’s in there.  Just like what my friend Karin (who is a nurse) said.


He said my intestines are toxic and if we get that under control the inflammation/problem in my neck should disappear and so should the problems I’m having with my eyes.  It’s all connected to the intestines.


I asked if it was my cavities in my teeth that was causing the toxicity.  He said no it was something I’m eating.  Later Bobo put two and two together (I essentially eat only organic food at home) and came up with the fact that I’ve been eating smoked salmon every week and that might be the cause.  Other than that, maybe I should get our water tested when I get home.  I need to figure this out.


So today I had 4 shots in my butt to help my liver, spleen, gallbladder, intestines and brain.  Then I had to drink something akin to Alka Seltzer to soften my stool for my first of four colon hydrotherapy cleanses.   Once again I’m full of (toxic) shit!

Trying to con Paul into having one too on Friday.  Let u know how that goes!

Btw, Santas coming to town in a hot air balloon on December 6!



6aa682676568f4872e102e97c14d17a6So I had a very weird premonition a couple of times when I was getting into my car this week.  I thought I was going to get hit from behind by a car.  And so what happened on Wednesday?

My car got rear ended.

Not sure how or why I get this feeling, but my sixth sense is pretty good.  For example, I know when I’m going to win something (T.V., Bingo, sunglasses, slot machines).  And once I even knew that my house was going to blow up soon after I bought it (I had visions when I backed up my car that my house was going to explode). That happened after my crazy father decided to bang on my furnace “to see if the pipe was metal?”.  Its a long story and involved 3 foot flames emancipating from my furnace.

Anyhow I called a real furnace man to inspect it soon after getting repeated premonitions that my house was going to explode and you know what he said to me as he was shaking his head?  You are one lucky lady.  The pipe was dislodged and gas was leaking.  “What does that mean?”, I asked.   “Just that your house would have blown up and so would your neighbours.”  Lovely.  Thanks dad for tinkering with my furnace.

Maybe I shouldn’t have driven when I had that sensation that I was going to get into an accident.  Sigh.

I was attempting to make a turn right and BANG I got hit by a white car.  I put on my hazard signals and got out of my car.  I asked the woman if she was alright.  She seemed distraught.  She told me she was awfully sorry and that her mother was in the hospital and she was going there right now to see her.  My bumper didn’t seem too bad and the trunk had a dent in it.  I went to see if the trunk still opened and closed.  It did.  So I told the woman not to worry about it.  My car was old and I needed a new one anyway.  She insisted I take down her drivers license and information.  I told her I wasn’t going to do anything with it anyway and she gave me a hug.  Hope she pays it forward.

I took my car to my mechanic today.  He told me that I’d need $400 to fix the trunk and another $400 for the bumper.  My car is only worth about $2000 so I said forget it. Wasn’t worth it.  As long as it still drives me to my next adventure, I was okay with it!

And my next adventure begins TOMORROW!  Hurray!



Results are In

Thursday April 28

imageIt’s rainy again. I’m back at the clinic. This morning I had my lampadina. Feeling great. Lots of energy.

WisteriaMary and I spent the evening at the Caracalla Spa. It was way less crowded than in the day time. I’ve been trying to convince her to go to Friederichbach spa with me (only women on Thursday), but I’m not sure she is going for it!  No clothes allowed.

imageThis morning I had 2 shots in the butt (stem cells) and ozone therapy. My vein collapsed 1/2 way through the ozone treatment and Mariann asked me if I was Catholic. I said, “Why? Are you going to give me my last rites?  She said, “No, if you are Jehovahs Witness we can’t restart the IV in the other arm”.

imageSo we had to call Dr Sommer to try to get another IV deep in a vein in my other arm (which I’m not really suppose to use because I have no lymph nodes there due to a mastectomy). It worked. I’m now having Vitamin B17 (amygdalin) and C therapy.

imageI told NDr Christina I had a vegan chocolate bar for her, but only if she got the IV in my arm right the first time. She was unhappy my vein collapsed. She really wanted the chocolate bar (luckily I had 2 chocolate bars in my purse, one for her and one for Dr Sommer too).

imageAt least I didn’t have to get stabbed nine times in one day like last week. The big bruise on my hand has gone away after using some type of wound healing cream called Traumeel. It works so well, I bought it at a pharmacy so I could use it at home.

imageSo I got my test results on Tuesday. Everything appears good at this time. My energy is up. My brain/hypothalamus is now working, however my pituitary gland is still struggling a bit. The cancer is dormant. My immune system is operating at 80%. And I need to detox (it’s at 38%, down from 45% when I came). So I’m getting some medicine to take home with me to help me with that, plus injections because my lymph node system is not up to snuff either.  Otherwise, I think I’m doing really well.

imageDon’t think I’m going to tell my oncologist I’m here in Germany again. I don’t need the added stress. Dr Sommer told me it would not be necessary to get tested at home for another 6-9 months. That’s good enough for me.

image image imageI’m suppose to be arriving in Canada on Saturday night, but apparently some of the airport workers are on strike yesterday and today. Good thing I have insurance! They may be footing the bill for food and accommodations if I need to stay longer!
imageAfter my treatment tomorrow morning, Mary is making me breakfast and then we are heading to Frankfurt.  I went to pick up the rental car on the side of the road near a castle where our apartment landlord said it was free.  Well guess what?  It wasn’t free. I got not one but two parking tickets.  Mary said it was too bad I have to come back, otherwise we could just not pay them!

On the bright side, at least they didn’t tow us.  I would have had to phone up the rental car company and tell them it was stolen and a darn good thing I paid $600 extra for car insurance!

Finally got to see the Baden Baden Roman Ruins yesterday.  See pics below.  This is where Roman Soldiers set up shop to recuperate in the healing thermal waters.

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Day 6 Road Closed! Grrrr!

Today is Saturday which means a short day at the clinic for treatment.  Hooray!

imageEichotherm  (lampadina),  and four injections in the ass.  My hand is not looking very food after the dismal day I had with IVs the other day.


Mary and I planned to go visit Ludwigs Castles near Munich.  We were almost at Linderhof  when we came across a sign.  I thought it said road closed, but I don’t read German, so what do I know?  The GPS said to go that way, so why not?  How else were we going to get there?  It said we had 24 more Kms to go. Mary drove around the sign and off we went.  The scenery was spectacular.  The water was greeny.  I felt like I was in BC again, but the Bavarian mountains have taller peaks.

We were 21 Kms in without any problems until we saw this sign!  Anybody read German?  Grrr!  Had to turn around and go back….just when we were 3 km away from Linderhof!


Enter a caption

Guessing there was a rock Avalanche on the road.  We went to a gas station and asked for another route to get there.  Turns out we have to go around an entire lake and enter from the other side of where we were.  Our GPS is useless when there are road closures.  It won’t tell us another way to get to our destination.

We didn’t have enough time to drive all the way around the lake because it was 3:30 and the place closed at 4:00.  So we are hoping to get an early start tomorrow at Neushwanstein Castle first and also his fathers castle down the road ( Hollenzollen or something like that) from there and then try to get to Linderhof again.

We booked into a hotel called Villa Toscana in Fussen for the night and went into town.  Ended up at a restaurant the served its clients Medieval Style.  Had a honey wine served in an ale horn.  Yes I know.  The Italian man in the lampadina machine said no alcohol, but I couldn’t resist when Mary let me try hers.  It was soooo good and reminded me of Gluhwein at Christmastime!

Pics of of the town.


Pictures in our hotel.

Decided to to try the sauna after dinner.  Didn’t stay there long as I think my skin was burning.  Smelled weird after the lamp treatment and the sauna.  Liked crispy burning flesh.  Had a cold shower to even out the temperature of my body.  Ciao!image.jpeg

Day 5 Heidelberg

Day 5 Heidelberg

imageToday was my short day. Lampadina, 4 injections and a colon hydrotherapy and then I was FREE! Hooray! Off we went to one of my favourite places in Germany…Heidelberg.



It’s just so breathtakingly beautiful. The ruins of a old castle which was bombed by France.



imageWe took the funicular to the very top. It was a bit overcast, so the pictures aren’t that sharp. Then we went below to the castle ruins.

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I got some really cool spooky pictures too!



I think I want to take a photography course now!







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On our way to Stuttgart, we encountered so much traffic (construction), we ended up just going back home to Baden-Baden where I made some pasta with (sp?) aili oglio (olive oil from Firenze, sundries tomatoes, hot pepper from Italy, and garlic).

Driving to some castles near Munich tomorrow.

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Day 4 Karlsrhue

Day 4 Thursday

This morning I was somewhat concerned to see that I had a little bit of a rash on both my arms. I thought I may have been reacting to an IV allergy, but Mariann told me it was just my body detoxing.

So under the lampadina (Italian word for lamp) I went again. This time I caught the words, “I advise you NOT to use creams while using this ultraviolet treatment”. Then I’m thinking, “Or you may turn green by the end of the day”. That Italian guy in the machine is making me crazy.

Today I had ozone therapy, a detox IV, and amygdalin. Christina poked me four times to get the IV started. No luck. So they had to call Dr Sommer to dig in there and get one of my deep veins. It was rough. Mariann and Christina don’t like to do it. I don’t blame them because I wouldn’t want to do it either.

So you get the guys to do the dirty work! Jam it right it there! No problem. Was done by twelve, so Mary and I decided to go to Karlsrhue to see the palace and gardens. Here’s some pics.

We were about to go to Stuttgart too, but there was a lot of traffic and the GPS kept bringing us to a “closed for maintenance road.”   Asked two young guys for help after we circled the place.  We were getting no where in a hurry. Luckily they told us an alternate route to get to the highway. It was so backed up with traffic, we figured we would be better off just going home. And that is just what we did.

We decided to eat tapas at a Spanish restaurant in Baden Baden. We ate about 9 different appetizers/tapas before we thought to take a picture of our decadent meal.  Peppers in pastery, mushrooms, pollo my croquettes (like a mortzarella cheese stick), olives,  churrasos, calamari, chorizo, etc.  Appetizer heaven. Sorry I didn’t take a pic of it.  All I can say is that it was really quite good. May have to go there again for some seafood paella.


Day 3 “1,000 Ways To Die”

Wednesday – Day 3 Treatment

imageOne lampadina Treatment at 8:30 this morning.  I’m catching some more things from that Italian guy.  Forgot he said not to have alcohol yesterday.  Maybe that’s why I had a rip roaring headache today.

imageMary made us a lovely meal of curried chicken, roasted potatoes and salad for dinner.  I had to have some German wine from this region after trying all those wines from Italy!  Da vino is much better in Italy, hands down.  Sorry Germany!

imageSome key phrases I picked from the Italiano on the machine today included…”I beg of you, DON’T open your eyes unless you want to damage your corneas”.  “Great,” I thought.  And,  “I warn you DON’T fall asleep”. (My thoughts…unless you want to wake up a crispy critter, you’d better keep on rotating like a Swiss Chalet rotisserie chicken!).

imageWhile lying there,  I kept envisioning being a victim on the next episode of Bobo’s favourite show “1,000 ways To Die”.  Quite frankly,  I don’t think I followed the instructions to a tee.  I thought I was on my pancha (stomach) too long and flipped over to my back (Dorso?) prematurely.

imageAfter that I had 4 shots in the ass and then had a colon hydrotherapy treatment.  The things you have to do to stay alive, right?  Well, at least I got some of the shitters out of me.  I’ve got 3 more to go.  Stomach is getting flatter.  I like those results!

imageMary and I went shopping a bit and then walked down Lichtentaler Allee.  It is spring and quite beautiful.  These pics are some of the sights we saw on our walk.



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Later  we  went to the Lowenbrau Beer Garden so Mary could have some real German Beer.  It’s such a nice place to go to.  And no I didn’t really drink that beer…the Italian man in the lampadina machine told me I wasn’t allowed!

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Day 2 Germany- Starting Treatment

Germany, Day 2 Starting  treatment

It’s Tuesday. Visit with Dr Sommer and Mariann to find out what’s wrong with me. Liver and kidney, (probably from all the stuff I was eating in Italy) , nervous system, heart, lymphatic system, colon/intestines and there is some kind of screw up with my brain sending messages to the rest of my body.  The only good thing he said is that my resistance is good.  I’m thinking that means my immune system has gotten better.  He asked me what meds I’m taking from Canada and I told him nothing but Xgeva (to fortify my bones) and Zoladex (to stop my periods).  He seemed happy with that.  I asked him if I should keep taking Xgeva because of all the jaw bone necrosis and broken femurs that I’ve been hearing about on mets cancer sites.  He then told me I can stay off Xgeva since I’ve been on it for 4 years.  Not necessary!  No point… I read that shit can stay in your system for 10 years after you’ve taken it.

Hurray! One less shot in the stomach every month!  (4 years = 48 Xgeva shots so far).  Bloody hell!  Glad to do away with it.

image So part of my daily regiment for the next 2 weeks includes being put under a lamp (called the eichotherme) to detox, and to improve my cells and blood circulation. It also gives me Vitamin D with the good ultraviolet light. The instructions are only in German or Italian and the guy talks too fast. I keep having to flip from one side to my stomach then the other side, then 1/2 way to my back and side to side. Good thing we went to the spa yesterday cause I think the guy said don’t have a bath, smoke or drink coffee. No more caffe lattes. Sigh. More ozone treatments, B17 (amygdalin) and other b vitamins eichotherme lamp and colon hydrotherapy to get rid of toxins while I’m here.

Today I had 4 injections, ozone treatment (my own blood + ozone), amygdalin IV (took 5 times to get my IV going because my veins kept collapsing).  Ouuuuuuch!


Last night Mary and I went to the Caracalla spa.  It was wonderful!  I love that place.  So relaxing… Thermal hot springs.  I slept well when we got home.

Had to take some fizzy alka seltzer stuff before I went to bed in preparation for tomorrow’s colon hydrotherapy.  Apparently I’m full of shit 💩and it needs to come out😚.

Just thought you’d like to know….ha ha ha.